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Video Ads for Your Business,
in seconds
AI-Generate high-performing short-form video ads for social platforms without expensive agencies or complicated editing software.
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AI-Generate video
As featured on
Join 7,000+ creators and businesses
Create in seconds.
AI intelligently slices video highlights together
AI adds engaging background sound effects and music
AI adds stock footage or AI-generates video
Full editing capabilities.
Customize your edit to your liking with Ozone’s timeline editor. Transitions, rich text effects, animations, keyframing—we got you covered.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ozone?
How does Ozone generate video ads?
Do I need video editing experience to use Ozone?
Can I upload my own media to create a video?
What social media platforms are supported?
How long does it take to generate a video?
Is there a free trial available?
How much does Ozone cost?
Can I edit the generated videos?
Who is Ozone best suited for?
© 2025 Ozone Technologies Inc.